There are several conditions affecting male fertility that can be treated with medications and/or supplements. Having said this, it is important for patients to realize that there are numerous supplements available that advertise fertility benefits. Many of these have no proven benefit. Dr. Nudell will review which supplements are reputable and also which ones are useful for you based on your specific issues.
Some men will have an underlying abnormality in hormone production that can lead to issue with sperm production or function. These are not usually dangerous and often cause no symptoms. If this is the case, it is easily treatable with medications which can make a big difference in fertility outcomes. In some specific cases, men can be treated with either Clomid or Anastrazole, medications used much more frequently in women. This is safe and may, in the right cases, significantly improve sperm production and function.
Conditions that may be reversed with medical therapy include infection or inflammation of the genital tract, the presence of oxidants in the semen, hormonal imbalances, and many others. Supplements that do have some proven benefit can also be discussed.
In some specific cases, men can be treated with either Clomid or Anastrazole, medications used much more frequently in women. This is safe and may, in the right cases, significantly improve sperm production and functgion