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What Is Andrology? Male Reproductive


Andrology is the study of male diseases and male health, particularly relating to male reproductive problems and urological problems that are unique to men. Andrology addresses issues of infertility in males, erectile dysfunction, impotence, andropause, also know as male menopause, and male contraception. Although not as well known, Andrology is the male version of gynecology, which deals with medical issues of the female reproductive system.

Who is Andrologist?

An Andrologist, is a medical doctor who specializes in male reproductive issues and male sexual dysfunction. When treating patients with infertility issues, an Andrologist will devise a treatment plan that is best suited for the patient. Drugs, such as steroids or antibiotics, may be the preferred treatment plan to improve the quality of a patient’s semen. When blockages, that are affecting sperm production is the primary issue causing male infertility, surgery is the preferred method of treatment.

Factors that influence male infertility

Many factors can have an influence on male infertility with most cases of infertility due to testicular damage and the inability to produce sperm. Additional issues include a low sperm count as well as the quality of the sperm produced which is commonly referred to as sperm motility.

When diagnosing male fertility, nearly 70% of the conditions causing the male patient to be infertile can be diagnosed by examining their medical history, through physical examination, testicular volume estimation, and hormonal and semen analysis.

Common Problems

People often mistakenly associate impotence, known as Erectile Dysfunction, with male infertility; these two conditions are not related. Impotence is the inability to get and maintain an erection, which prevents a male from having satisfactory sexual intercourse. The condition is quite common and it affects a large majority of men who are over the age of 40. Although unable to have an erection, a man who is impotent is still fertile and it is still possible for him to impregnate his female partner through insemination. Male infertility allows a man to have an erection and satisfactory sexual intercourse however, he cannot impregnate his female partner and produce children.

Andrologists treatments

Andrologists treat male patients who are suffering from impotence. They can prescribe patient drugs such as Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis that can help the patient solve his erectile dysfunction issues. Another option is Hormone Replacement Therapy that will increase the testosterone in a male who has low testosterone levels. This may increase their sexual desire and their sexual libido. Andrologists also treat male menopause with testosterone replacement therapy.

Andrology in family planning

Andrology is also used to assist men in family planning. Vasectomies are a form of male contraception that many men utilize when they do not want to have children and is the most effective form of male contraception. A vasectomy is a surgical procedure that blocks the path sperm take from the testicles to the penis.

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Male Fertility

Improving Male Fertility: Six Easy Ways


Improving Male fertility can easily be maintained. There are many factors that may have an effect on sperm counts and quality in men. Some of the simplest, best and most effective ways to Improving Male Fertility are shown below.

Cigarettes and alcohol

This one should go without saying. Smoking is shown to damage the sperm; no ifs, no buts. The same goes with excessive alcohol consumption. 

Bin the briefs

Tight-fitting underwear can cause the testicles to heat and damage the sperm. By switching to breezier boxers your testicles can do their job, therefore, keeping sperm at a cool, healthy temperature. Tight pants can prevent them from this by keeping the testicles pressed up warm against the body.

Fruits and vegetables

By swapping the burgers and fries for fruit and vegetables you’ll be dosing yourself with those fresh vitamins that your body needs to do its job. Nonetheless, plus side is eating fruit and vegetables is shown to have a positive effect on almost every other physiological outcome as well.


 Moreover will ensure that you are not missing out on anything that may be deficient in the diet. Certain types are targeted at men and should include selenium, zinc and folate. All three of these have been linked to healthy sperm production. However, learn more about Improving Male Fertility

Avoid certain types of food

Certain types of food have been associated with low sperm counts, with red meat being a big culprit. Swapping the steak for chicken should go hand in hand with eating more fruit and vegetables as above. Outside of this there are plenty of foods that are shown to help increase sperm counts including seafood and grains.

With the help of a medical professional possible causes can be discussed; including counts, tests and medication to seek out an appropriate solution to the problem.

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Can cutting down on caffeine help with male infertility problems?


A new study co-authored by Dr. Jorge Chavarro, Assistant Professor of Nutrition and Epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health in Boston. Suggests that drinking coffee, or other caffeinated beverages, can have serious consequences for couple who are trying to conceive. Results found that couples undergoing IVF treatment had significantly lower success rates and effected male infertility where the male drank high levels of caffeine. When compared to those couples where the male drank the least.

Scientific Study

The study hoped to go beyond simple measurements of sperm quality (previous research has found no link between caffeine and a reduction in the measured quality of sperm) and see how lifestyle choices such as excessive coffee or alcohol consumption can affect the end result of a live pregnancy. The reason for this, says Dr. Chavarro, is to find out whether other unresearched factors, apart from simply sperm quality, have an effect on rates of pregnancy.

Research Statistics

As part of the study 105 men, all of whom were undergoing IVF treatment with their partners at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, were asked about their diets prior to enrolling on the program. While overall just over half of the respondents treatments ended in pregnancy.  couples in which the male drank the most coffee (defined as three or more 8-ounce cups a day) were half as likely to end in pregnancy as those couples where the male drank the least (i.e., less than one cup a day).

IVF Treatment

After adjusting the figures to account for factors such as age or obesity. The researchers still found that those males who consumed the most caffeine were, by far, the least likely to complete the IVF treatment successfully, ending with a live pregnancy just 19% of the time.


Indeed the study’s lead author, Dr Anatte Karmon, an obstetrician, continues to exhort current best medical advice. “Anything that is good for your heart health is also good for your fertility. So do physical exercise and eat a well-balanced diet. In any case, Dr. Chavarro warns against extrapolating from the results of this study too much. As far as we are aware, this is the first time this has been reported. There needs to be a lot more replication before anyone can make a strong recommendation to patients.”

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